Women-owned business
13389 Lakefront Drive Earth City, MO 63045 United States
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Product description(s)
spray foam air barrier
CSI code / Product type
07 27 36 Sprayed foam air barrier
Brand name(s)
ecofoam, ecostar, ecospray, genspray, ecomate
some of their spray foam products use a zero global warming potential (GWP) blowing agent
U.S. Owned HQ
U.S. Owned HQ
U.S. Owned Manufacturing Onsite
U.S. Owned Manufacturing Onsite
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Commercial products

Product description(s)
sprayed and poured-in-place insulation
Spray polyurethane foam (SPF)
CSI code / Product type
07 21 29 Sprayed insulation
07 21 19 Foamed-in-place insulation
Brand name(s)
Ecostar, Genfoam, GenX, Ecospray, Spritzer, Thermafroth, Ecofoam, Conti-Foam, Optitherm
U.S. Owned HQ
U.S. Owned HQ
U.S. Owned Manufacturing Onsite
U.S. Owned Manufacturing Onsite
Where to buy
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All products