Edge Adhesives

5117 Northeast Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76106 United States
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Product description(s)
gasket tapes and sealants
CSI code / Product type
07 91 16 Joint gaskets
Other brand name(s)
Rubex, Edge
U.S. Owned HQ with Manufacturing Sites in U.S.
U.S. Owned HQ with Manufacturing Sites in U.S.
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Product description(s)
butyl, rubber, and silicone sealants
Acrylic Latex (water-based)
CSI code / Product type
07 92 13 Elastomeric joint sealants
Other brand name(s)
Edge, Rubex MS, Parlastic, PARR, PTI
U.S. Owned HQ
U.S. Owned HQ
U.S. Owned Manufacturing Onsite
U.S. Owned Manufacturing Onsite
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